How is the Climate in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) during the year ?

Hot. As you can see from the tables, it is hot all the time in Saigon, even at night.

Here are the monthly average temperatures (Celsius degrees) and precipitations:

Max (C)
Min (C)
Rain (mm)
January 32 22 10
February 33 23 10
March 34 24 10
April 34 26 40
May 34 26 140
June 32 25 180
July 32 24 190
August 32 25 170
September 31 25 190
October 31 24 160
November 31 23 120
December 31 22 40

Same table in Fahrenheit degrees :

Max (F)
Min (F)
Rain (mm)
January 90 72 10
February 91 73 10
March 93 75 10
April 93 79 40
May 93 79 140
June 90 77 180
July 90 75 190
August 90 77 170
September 88 77 190
October 88 75 160
November 88 73 120
December 88 72 40

April is the hottest month of the year. December is the coolest (relatively).

Regarding the rain : As in all South East Asia countries, there is a dry season from December to early May and the rainy season from May to early December.
September receives the most rain. When it rains it can be quite intense (monsoons) and there can be floods.


The weather in Saigon is quite similar to Bangkok, in Thailand.

When is the best time to visit Saigon ?

Usually tourists prefer when it is not raining, so it is in the months : December to early May. It is also the high season, so hotel prices are higher.


There is still a certain advantage when it is raining, the clouds are protecting from the very hot sun:


When it rains, you should better have one of these nylon coats. They are sold everywhere in town and they don’t cost much :


Weather Forecast for Saigon

See Weather Forecast for Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) 

More on Vietnam :

  On Thailand :

Other Stuff :

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