What to Visit in Hanoi, Vietnam ? – Page 2

Note : You are on Page 2 of Hanoi Tourist Attractions. Start with Page 1.

The main pages about Hanoi :

Hanoi – Orientation – Maps

See this interactive Map, with the places mentioned on this page :

  1. Points in Green : City Center (lake, old quarter, cathedral)
  2. Points in Blue : Tourist Attractions
  3. Points in Red : Transport (Train and Bus stations + Airport)

The Tourist Attractions are grouped in zones :

What to Visit in Hanoi :

Zone 2

Hanoi Train Street – Cafés on rail

It is a segment of a train rail, where people use to sit and drink a coffee.

There is a train passing here a few times a day, but not too often :

The ambience is quite special :

Tourists like it

Vietnam Military History Museum

It is an interesting museum. There are a lot of exhibits and a lot of information about the wars of Vietnam, from different eras.

Part of the museum is inside a building and part in a courtyard where there are exhibits of aircrafts, tanks and ammunitions.

In the courtyard you can see the famous Mig-21

And other aircrafts :

Helicopters :

Tanks :

And a tank that became a national treasure :

Apparently, the Vietnamese got a lot of military equipment from the Soviet Union, during the Vietnam war.

There is a tower :

From which there is great view over the courtyard :

In the building there are exhibits like :

Traps :

Equipment used during the war :

Like a writing machine :

Cruelties of the war (this picture is from the French colonial era):

The leader Ho Chi Minh, during the war :

Explanation about the tunnels of Cu-Chi :

Cars used during the war :

Ticket entry price : 40,000 Dong.

Imperial Citadel – Thang Long

It was a royal citadel of the Ly dynasty and later of the Nguyen dynasty. It was also used as a military post during the French colonial era and later by the north Vietnamese military command in the Vietnam war.

There are some nice gates :

Many gates :

Turtles :

The flag tower :

Nice gardens :

Really nice gardens

Apparently, there is also educational activity in the place :

Ticket entry price : 30,000 Dong.

Museum – Temple Of Literature

It is a temple related to education and to Confucius. It exists since 1070 and it was the first national university of Vietnam.

There is a lake :

The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom :


Opposite the museum, there is a sort of fair related to education (free entrance) :

And a lake :

Ticket price to the  Temple Of Literature : 30,000 Dong

Zone 3

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

The embalmed body of the great leader Ho Chi Minh is preserved in this building :

The public can visit inside the building in the mornings.

The security measures in place are very strict. In order to enter the esplanade, the visitors are passing a security check like at an airport.
A visit of the mausoleum itself is a special experience. There is real body under a glass, and I guess most visitors are not used to see bodies in their everyday’s life.
Inside the building, the only thing you are entitled to do is to breath. You can not take photos or wear sunglasses or talk. The atmosphere is very solemn. You just walk slowly from the entry door to the exit door.

The visit of the mausoleum is free.

Ho Chi Minh Museum

It is a museum about the life of the leader Ho Chi Minh and his impact on Vietnam.

The region where Ho Chi Minh was born :

Ho Chi Minh working on a desk :

Historical events :

The museum is located in the esplanade of the Mausoleum.

Temple – Chua Mot Cot – One pillar

A very small Buddhist temple, located in the esplanade of the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum.

Presidential Palace

Ho Chi Minh used to live and work here. The site contains a big garden and some buildings, among them the palace which was built in a French colonial architecture.
The place is still used today, sometimes, for government meetings.

It is possible to visit the garden with the small houses, but not the palace.

Ho Chi Minh used to write in this little house :

Here are some of the cars he was using :

A dining room, used by Ho Chi Minh :

A sleeping place and office :

There is not too much to see in this place, it is full of restricted areas. It is not a museum with a lot of information.

In no time, you will find yourself in the souvenir shop :

B52 airplane wreckage – Huu Tiep lake

During the Vietnam war, an American B-52 airplane was shot down and fell in this pond. The wreckage is still here :

Here it is, in the background :

There is a memorial, for the victims of the war :

Some explanations :

Cafés around the lake :

And somehow, some people who like military vehicles :

Botanical Garden

It is nearby the Mausoleum and it is a green space in a busy city, so why not visit ?

There is a lake :

Interesting trees :

And people doing sports :

Continue to Page 3 of Hanoi Tourist Attractions

The main pages about Hanoi :

More on Vietnam :

  On Thailand :

Other Stuff :

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